
Operating procedures during the administration of dedicated servers and virtual private servers (VPS)

Any works with the server are undertaken only after the customer provides the required access data, and in the case of paid services – after the customer pays for at least one hour of work, and most importantly, accepts the terms of services. The works are one-time and can be undertaken only based on the terms of reference from you. The installation of any software does not mean a guarantee that this software will always function without failures. For instance, if Nginx is installed by our specialists and the service won’t launch after a week (month, year, day, hour), no claims will be accepted.

The company records work completion with the help of screenshots and/or screen video recordings.

If any terms were not included in the terms of reference, no claims will be accepted concerning such items.

The company reserves the right to refuse to provide paid administration services without any explanation of the reasons due to the lack of available specialists, and impossible tasks in the terms of reference.
Basic works:
1. Our company does not undertake maintenance and full administration of servers. After the root access to the server is transferred to the customer, the customer is supposed to perform further maintenance.
2. In the case of VPS, such tasks, as the installation of OS-compatible control panel – ISPmanager, cPanel, Brainy, etc. – is performed free of charge. The customer is also supposed to reinstall the OS using the tools available in the personal account.
3. Dedicated servers come with 3 hours of free administration services a month. These hours cannot be moved to the next month, even if they were not used. OS reinstallation is equal to 2 hours of work. The minimum unit of time spent is 0.5 hours. Tasks that can be completed as part of these three free hours: installation of software available in standard repositories, without its configuration; activation of elements available through the control panel (if any); analysis of system logs and website logs to find the reason for a bug (without its fixing if it requires more time).
4. We can perform all the above works for a fee both for VPS and dedicated servers: in any case for VPS and when free hours have been used in the case of dedicated servers. In addition, we can perform even more complex tasks for a fee, including fine-tuning the software installed on the server, eliminating bugs, installing software from the source, etc.
5. The cost of paid administration work is 15 USD/hour. Further billing comes at 8 USD/hour for each subsequent 0.5 hours. Preliminary terms are discussed between company representatives and the customer even before the payment. If the task could not be fulfilled within the time that was paid for, the company representative informs the customer about the scope of work completed, as well as possible next actions, giving the customer an option to either complete the work independently or pay for the task completion.
6. The analysis of logs and search for the solution are also part of the works. Unfortunately, some failures may be critical and reinstallation of the software, control panel or even the OS are a must. If the paid or free administration works result in a conclusion that the task is impossible to fulfil, it shall still be considered completed work, as data analysis and the search for solutions require time too.